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Trilennials Study Trip May 2024

A group of people sitting on chairs in a circle. One person stands in the circle leading an exercise
The group from 2022 doing an exercise. Foto: Frivillighet Norge, Marte Oraug Skogtrø

Welcome to Oslo! On this page you will find most of the information you need for the week.

Practical info
A white house on top of a hill, the Hostel
HI Oslo - Haraldsheim

We will be staying at Haraldsheim, Haraldsheimveien 4, 0587 Oslo.

We will also hold the sessions here, if other info is not given in the program.

There is a no alcohol policy at the Hostel, so please drink elsewhere.


Bucharest - Oslo 20.05.2023

Flight Number: DY 1561
Departure OTP: 11.55
Arrival OSL: 14.00

Torp/Oslo - Bucharest 25.05.2023

Flight Number: W4 3216
Departure TRF: 15.50
Arrival OTP: 19.50

Everyone has one piece of checked luggage (max 20 kgs) and one piece of carry on (max 10 kgs) included in the ticket. If you want more luggage, you will have to pay it yourself.

Transport in Oslo

Airport transfer will be by a pre-booked bus for the whole group on the arrival and departure dates.

You will each recieve a weekly pass for transport within the city center of Oslo. This will be valid for Subway, Buses, Trams and even the ferry to the islands. For more information check out ruter.no. A pro tip is to download the #Ruter-app, it will help you to plan your individual travel. Remember to always bring your travel pass. Checks are frequent and the fee for not having a valid ticket is about 100 Euros.

Other relevant information

Prices are generally high in Norway, but convenience stores are a lot cheaper than kiosks and small shops. Be advised that a beer at a cafe/restaurant will cost you around 130 NOK/ 13 Euros.

Norwegians are quite time sensitive, so when the program states something starts at 12, it starts at 12. Be on time!

You can not buy alcohol in kiosks. Beer can be bought at convenience stores (until 20.00 on weekdays or 18:00 on Saturdays. No alchohol sold in stores on Sundays). For wine and spirits you need to go to Vinmonopolet.

Tap water in Norway is very good, and botteled water is expencive, so bring a water bottle.

Monday 20th of May

Arrival at OSL at 14.00

You will be picked up at the airport with a shuttle bus that will take you to Haraldsheim, where we are staying. Check the drop down menu above for flight-information.

ca 16:00 Arrival Haraldsheim, check in

ca 17:30 Welcome to Oslo and short introduction to the rest of the week, meeting room Utsikten
We will go through the program, some practical stuff and answer questions you might have.
We will also do a round where we state some expectations and wishes for the outcome of this week.

19.00 Dinner at Haraldsheim
Norweigan salmon with potatoes and vegetables. Vegetarian and vegan options.

Tuesday 21st of May

07:00 - 07:45 Breakfast
Breakfast is served from 07:00

07.45: Pick up Haraldsheim
We are going to Utøya, which is located about an hour drive from Oslo. We will spend most of the day outside, so dress accordingly to the weather.

08:50: We get picked up at the docks by boat and taken out to Utøya

09:00 - 09.30 Welcome and introduction
When we arrive at Utøya we get short introduction and go through the program for the day. This includes at recap of the terrorist attack on July 22nd 2011 and what Utøya is like today.

09:30 - 11:15 Tour of the island
We get to know Utøya better, hear about the history, the terrorist attack, the memorial work and the importance of youth involvement.

11:15 - 12:00: Lunch @Utøya

12:00 - 14:30 Workshop on hate speech and how we tackle it
A set of led group assignments and practical discussions with different focuses. We will take breaks when needed.

14.30 Plenary and goodbye

15.00: Return to the mainland
The bus will pick us up at the landside and drive us to Kistefos

16.00 - ca 18.00 We visit Kistefos Sculpture park
Kistefos is an open outdoors sculpture park that holds 52 sculptures by prominent contemporary artists such as Yayoi Kusama, Claes Oldenburg, Olafur Eliasson, Anish Kapoor, Fernando Botero, Jeppe Hein, Tony Cragg, and Elmgreen & Dragset. The sculpture collection is permanent and many of the sculptures are site-specific - meaning that the artist has created the artwork especially for Kistefos, directly inspired by the history, cultural heritage or nature of the place.

18.00: Return to Oslo
The bus will drive us back to Oslo and drop us of for dinner

ca 19.15 Dinner @Mathallen
The bus will drop us off at Mathallen in Oslo City Center. Everyone will get a voucher for 400 NOK, so you can eat what you want. PS: some of the booths close at 20.00, so order food before that.

Wednedsay 22nd of May

07:00 - 09:30 Breakfast
Breakfast is served from 07:00, eat when you want

09:30 Departure to City Center

10.00 - ca 12.00 Study Visits
We divide the group in three and visit:

The Norwegian Women's Public Health Association (Norske Kvinners Sanitetsforening) or NKS is the largest women's organization and one of the leading humanitarian organizations of Norway. They work within the health and social sector with an emphasis on women's health and living conditions.

UngInfo is an information center in Oslo for young people under the age of 27. They were established in 1992 and are run by UngOrg (An umbrella organization for children and youth organizations in Oslo). They provide information about topics concerning youth; guidance with job seeking, information about education, accommodation, healthcare, and even information for young tourists in Oslo.

Friends of the Earth Norway (Naturvernforbundet)
is Norway’s oldest environmental and nature protection organization. They work to protect nature and the environment so that human activity does not exceed the tolerance limits of the planet and work specifically in the areas of conservation, climate change, energy, and transportation.

ca 13.00: Return to Haraldsheim

13.30: Lunch buffet @Haraldsheim

14.30 - 17.30: Norm creative crash course with JM Norway, meeting room Utsikten
Norm creative crash course is an interactive workshop where we explore how norms can create inclusion and exclusion, and work creatively on how we can build new and inclusive norms. We will work both in plenary and in smaller groups and use examples from our organizations. Together we will reflect on how we can create space for groups that are underrepresented in our organizations and make room for greater diversity.

18.30 Dinner @Haraldsheim
Taco-buffet. Vegetarian and vegan options.

Optional evening program

Thursday 23rd of May

07:00 - 09:30 Breakfast
Breakfast is served from 07:00, eat when you want

09:30 - 13.30: Workshop with Skeiv Verden (Queer World)
Queer World is an organization for Queer immigrants in Norway. They arrange a number of diverse social activities, but also work a lot with teaching practical tools to support and take care of your mental health. We will do a workshop with Lucas, who is a mental health professional and works with a diverse array of methods for physical and psychological well-being. Dress comfortably.

13.30: Lunch buffet @Haraldsheim

14.00 - 17:00: Free time - book your own meetings
We encourage you to try to book your own meetings with organizations and initiatives you would like to meet.

17:00 - 19.00 A walk through Oslo / Time for sightseeing
Optional program for sightseeing in Oslo

ca 19:00 Dinner @Vippa
Everyone will receive vouchers for food and drinks, and order directly from the booths at Vippa. Many vegan and vegetarian options.

Friday 24th of May

07:00 - 09:30 Breakfast
Breakfast is served from 07:00, eat when you want

09:30: Departure to City Center

10:00 - 13.30 Study Visits

The Church City Mission (Bymisjonssenteret Tøyenkirken): is an inclusive, nonprofit organization, that works in towns and cities across Norway, among people who face challenges in life for various reasons.

ZERO (Zero Emission Resource Organisation): is an independent, non-profit organization founded in 2002 by a group of former activists. They say they only have one client: the climate case. ZERO works to ensure that everyone can contribute and become part of the solution. Their goal is to promote zero-emission solutions, at the expense of solutions that produce emissions.

13.30: Lunch @Frivillighetens Hus
Vegetarian menu (with vegan options).

14.30 - 17.00 Reflections / Outcome of the week @Frivillighetens Hus
We do a plenary session where we reflect on what we have experienced this week and how we can utilize it in our own work.

19.00: Dinner @Habibi

Optional evening program

Saturday 25th of May

07:00 - 09:30 Breakfast
Breakfast is served from 07:00, eat when you want

11:00 The airport transfer leaves Haraldsheim
The transfer leaves at 11.00, in order to have ample time at the airport before departure. Make sure to be on time. You are leaving from a different airport than the one you arrived on and transfer takes a bit longer.

Suggestions for optional evening activities

These are just some suggestions for activities and cool arenas that have different events. Some are free, others have a cover charge.



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